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142 untranslated out of 376 total strings

%s annotation. Ctrl+click to edit. Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Actual Size Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Annotations Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Author: %s Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Back Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Background Color: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Book View Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Border: %d Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Cancel Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Caret Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Checking for update... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Circle Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Cleared history of %d files, deleted thumbnails. Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Clearing history... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Close Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Close All Tabs Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Close Other Tabs Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Close Tabs To The Left Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Close Tabs To The Right Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Collapse All Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Color: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Command Palette Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Contents: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Continue installing 32-bit version Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Copy File Path Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Copy To Clipboard Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Copy To Clipboard Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Couldn't get printer name Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Couldn't uninstall Sumatra search filter Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Create Annotation &Under Cursor Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Create Annotation From Selection Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Custom &Zoom... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Dark Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Darker Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Date: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Delete Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Delete Annotation Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Discard changes Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Don't install Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Download 64-bit version Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
E&xit Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
E&xit Fullscreen Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Edit %s Annotation Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Edit Annotations Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Error Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Expand All Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
F&orward Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
F&ullscreen Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Facing Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
File Attachment Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Fin&d... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&First Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Fit &Content Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Fit &Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Fit &Width Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Free Text Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Get Fonts Info Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Highlight Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Icon: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Images Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Ink Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Install and relaunch Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Install for all users Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Installing 32-bit SumatraPDF on 64-bit OS Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Interior Color: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Keyboard Shortcuts Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Last Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Light Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Line Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Line End: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Line Start: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Loading %s ... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
New &window Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
New version available Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Next Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Opacity: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Opacity: %d Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Attachment Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Directory in &Double Commander Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Directory in &Explorer Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Directory in &Total Commander Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Directory in Directory &Opus Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open Embedded PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open in Microsoft &HTML Help Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Open In New Window Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Open... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Pa&ge... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Please wait - loading... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Poly Line Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Polygon Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Popup: %d 0 R Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Pr&esentation Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Previous Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Properties... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Re&name... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Rect: x=%d y=%d dx=%d dy=%d Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Redact Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Remove From History Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Rotate &Left Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Rotate &Right Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
S&election Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
S&quiggly Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save Annotations to existing PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save annotations? Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save Attachment... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save changes to a new PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save changes to existing PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save Embedded File... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save S&hortcut... Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Save to &new PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Save to existing PDF Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Saved annotations to '%s' Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Saving of '%s' failed with: '%s' Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Search With &Bing Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Search With &Google Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Search With Google Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show &Favorites Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show &Scrollbars Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show Book&marks Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show in &folder Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show in folder Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Show Scr&ollbars Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Single Page Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Skip this version Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Square Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Stamp Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Strike Out Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
SVG documents Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Text Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Text Alignment: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Text Color: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Text Size: Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Text Size: %d Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Theme Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Translate with &DeepL Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Translate With Google Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&Underline Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Unsaved annotations Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
Unsaved annotations in '%s' Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
You have unsaved annotations Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
You have version '%s' and version '%s' is available.\nDo you want to install new version? Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
You're installing 32-bit SumatraPDF on 64-bit OS.\nWould you like to download\n64-bit version? Add a translation... • see on Google Translate
&About => &Dastur haqida Edit • see on Google Translate
About SumatraPDF => SumatraPDF haqida Edit • see on Google Translate
Add Favorite => Tanlanganlarga qo'shish Edit • see on Google Translate
Add page %s to favorites => %s betni Tanlanganlarga qo'shish Edit • see on Google Translate
Add page %s to favorites with (optional) name: => %s betni Tanlanganlarga (boshqa) nom bilan qo'shish: Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: %s betni Tanlanganlarga nomi bilan (shart emas) qo'shish:
Add to favorites => Tanlanganlarga qo'shish Edit • see on Google Translate
Advanced => Qo'shimcha Edit • see on Google Translate
&Advanced Options... => &Qo'shimcha parametrlar... Edit • see on Google Translate
All files => Hamma fayllar Edit • see on Google Translate
&All selected pages => &Hamma tanlangan betlar Edit • see on Google Translate
All supported documents => Hamma qo'llanadigan hujjatlar Edit • see on Google Translate
Application: => Dastur: Edit • see on Google Translate
Are you sure you want to uninstall SumatraPDF? => SumatraPDF'ni o'chirishga ishonchingiz komilmi? Edit • see on Google Translate
Associate with PDF files? => PDF-fayllar bilan bog'lansinmi? Edit • see on Google Translate
Attachment: %s => Qo'shimcha ilovasi: %s Edit • see on Google Translate
Author: => Muallif: Edit • see on Google Translate
Automatic => Avtomatik Edit • see on Google Translate
Automatically check for &updates => &Yangi versiyani avtomatik ravishda tekshirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Book View => Kitob ko'rinishi Edit • see on Google Translate
Bookmark shortcut to page %s of %s => Xatcho'p yorlig'i betga %s %s dan Edit • see on Google Translate
Bookmark Shortcuts => Xatcho'p yorliqlari Edit • see on Google Translate
Bookmarks => Xatcho'plar Edit • see on Google Translate
Bytes => Bayt Edit • see on Google Translate
Can't connect to the Internet (error %#x). => Internet ulanmagan (xato %#x). Edit • see on Google Translate
Cancel => Bekor qilish Edit • see on Google Translate
Cannot print this file => Faylni chop etib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Faylni bosib chiqarib bo'lmadi
Cannot start inverse search command. Please check the command line in the settings. => Qayta qidirish buyrug'i xatosi. Buyruq satri parametrlarini tekshiring. Edit • see on Google Translate
Change Language => Tilni o'zgartirish (Change Language) Edit • see on Google Translate
[Changes detected; refreshing] %s => [O'zgarishlar aniqlangan; yangilanmoqda] %s Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: [O'zgarishlar aniqlangan; yangilash...] %s
Check for &Updates => &Yangi versiyani tekshirish Edit • see on Google Translate
CHM documents => CHM hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
Close => Yopish Edit • see on Google Translate
Comic books => Komikslar Edit • see on Google Translate
Compatibility => Mosligi Edit • see on Google Translate
Continuous => Uzluksiz Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: To'xtovsiz
Continuous Book View => Uzluksiz kitob ko'rinishi Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: To'xtovsiz kitob ko'rinishi
Continuous Facing => Uzluksiz ikkita betdan Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: To'xtovsiz ikkita betdan
Contribute Translation => Tarjima qilish Edit • see on Google Translate
Copy &Image => &Rasmni nusxa olish Edit • see on Google Translate
Copy &Link Address => &Bog' manzilini nusxa olish Edit • see on Google Translate
Copy Co&mment => &Izohni nusxa olish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Copy Selection => &Tanlanganni nusxa olish Edit • see on Google Translate
copying text => matnni nusxa olish Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: matn nusxa olinmoqda
Copying text was denied (copying as image only) => Matnni nusxa olish mumkin emas (rasm nusxa olinmoqda) Edit • see on Google Translate
Copyright: => Mualliflik huquqi: Edit • see on Google Translate
Could not obtain Printer properties => Printer xossalarini olib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't create the installation directory => O'rnatish directoriyasini yaratib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't initialize printer => Printerni ishga tushirib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't install PDF previewer => PDF ko'rish vositasini o'rnatib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't install PDF search filter => PDF qidirish filtrini o'rnatib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't render the page => Betni render qilib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't uninstall browser plugin => Brauzer plaginini o'chirib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't uninstall PDF previewer => PDF ko'rish vositasini o'chirib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Couldn't write %s to disk => %s diskka yozib bo'lmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Created: => Yaratilgan: Edit • see on Google Translate
Current file => Joriy fayl Edit • see on Google Translate
Cursor position: => Kursor holati: Edit • see on Google Translate
Default &Layout: => Andoza &joylashish Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Andoza &leyaut
Default &Zoom: => Andoza &miqyos Edit • see on Google Translate
Denied Permissions: => Taqiqlangan huquqlar: Edit • see on Google Translate
DjVu documents => DjVu hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
Document Properties => Hujjat xossalari Edit • see on Google Translate
&Don't ask me again => &Boshqa so'ralmasin Edit • see on Google Translate
Enter password => Maxfiy so'zni kiriting Edit • see on Google Translate
Enter password for %s => %s uchun maxfiy so'zni kiriting Edit • see on Google Translate
Enter the command-line to invoke when you double-click on the PDF document: => PDF-hujjatni ikki marta bosganda ishga tushadigan buyruq satrini kiriting: Edit • see on Google Translate
EPUB ebooks => EPUB kitoblari Edit • see on Google Translate
Error loading %s => %s yuklab olish xatosi Edit • see on Google Translate
&Even pages only => &Faqat juft betlar Edit • see on Google Translate
F&avorites => &Tanlanganlar Edit • see on Google Translate
Facing => Ikkita betdan Edit • see on Google Translate
Failed to delete uninstaller registry keys => O'chirish dasturining reyestr kalitlarini o'chirish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Failed to rename the file! => Fayl nomini o'zgartirish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi! Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Fayl nomini o'zgartirish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi
Failed to save a file => Faylni saqlash muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Failed to write the extended file extension information to the registry => Fayl turi haqida kengaytirilgan ma'lumotini reyestrga yozish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Failed to write the uninstallation information to the registry => Dasturni o'chirish ma'lumotini reyestrga yozish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi Edit • see on Google Translate
Fast Web View => Tez veb ko'rish Edit • see on Google Translate
Favorites => Tanlanganlar Edit • see on Google Translate
FictionBook documents => FictionBook hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
&File => &Fayl Edit • see on Google Translate
File: => Fayl: Edit • see on Google Translate
File %s not found => %s fayli topilmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
File Size: => Fayl hajmi: Edit • see on Google Translate
Find => Qidirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Find: => Qidirish: Edit • see on Google Translate
Find Next => Keyingisini qidirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Find Previous => Oldingisini qidirish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Find what: => &Qidirish: Edit • see on Google Translate
Fit a Single Page => Bitta betga moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Yagona betga moslash
Fit Content => Tarkibiga moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
Fit Page => Betga moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
&Fit pages to printable area => &Betlarni printerga moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
Fit Width => Eniga moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
Fit Width and Show Pages Continuously => Eniga moslash va uzluksiz Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Eniga moslash va to'xtovsiz
Fonts: => Shriftlar: Edit • see on Google Translate
Found text at page %s => %s betda matn topildi Edit • see on Google Translate
Found text at page %s (again) => %s betda matn topildi (qayta) Edit • see on Google Translate
Frequently Read => Tez-tez o'qiladiganlar Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Tez-tez o'qiladigan
GB => GB Edit • see on Google Translate
&Go To => &O'tish Edit • see on Google Translate
Go to page => Betga o'tish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Go to page: => &Betga o'tish: Edit • see on Google Translate
&Help => &Yordam Edit • see on Google Translate
Hide &Options => &Parametrlarni yashirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Hide frequently read => Tez-tez o'qiladiganlarni yashirish Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Tez-tez o'qiladigan yashirish
Hint: Use the F3 key for finding again => Eslatma: qayta qidirish uchun F3 tugmasini bosing Edit • see on Google Translate
Image files (*.%s) => Rasm fayllari (*.%s) Edit • see on Google Translate
Install SumatraPDF => SumatraPDF o'rnatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Install SumatraPDF in &folder: => SumatraPDF &jildga o'rnatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Installation failed! => O'rnatish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi! Edit • see on Google Translate
Installation in progress... => O'rnatilmoqda... Edit • see on Google Translate
KB => KB Edit • see on Google Translate
Let Windows Desktop Search &search PDF documents => Windows Desktop Search yordamida PDF hujjatlarini &qidirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Let Windows show &previews of PDF documents => Windows yordamida PDF hujjatlarini oldindan &ko'rish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Magnification: => &Miqyos: Edit • see on Google Translate
Make SumatraPDF default application for PDF files? => SumatraPDF PDF-fayllarni ko'rish andoza dasturi sifatida ishlatilsinmi? Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: SumatraPDF PDF-fayllarni ko'rish andoza dasturi qilinsinmi?
Man&ga Mode => Man&ga usuli Edit • see on Google Translate
&Manual => &Qo'llanma Edit • see on Google Translate
&Match case => &Registrni hisobga olish Edit • see on Google Translate
Match Case => Registrni hisobga olish Edit • see on Google Translate
MB => MB Edit • see on Google Translate
Mobi documents => Mobi hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
Modified: => O'zgartirilgan: Edit • see on Google Translate
Next Page => Keyingi bet Edit • see on Google Translate
&No => &Yo'q Edit • see on Google Translate
No matches were found => Mos keladigan topilmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Mos kelmadi
No result found around line %u in file %s => %u satriga %s faylida mos keladigan natija topilmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: %u satriga %s faylida mos natija topilmadi
No synchronization file found => Sinxronlanish fayli topilmadi Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Sinxronizatsiya fayli topilmadi
previous: Sinxronlanish fayli topilmadi
No synchronization info at this position => Bu joyda sinxronlanish ma'lumoti yo'q Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bu joyda sinxronizatsiya ma'lumoti yo'q
Number of Pages: => Betlar soni: Edit • see on Google Translate
&Odd pages only => &Faqat toq betlar Edit • see on Google Translate
(of %d) => (%d dan) Edit • see on Google Translate
OK => OK Edit • see on Google Translate
Open => Ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open &in PDF-XChange => PDF-XChangeda ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open a document... => Hujjatni ochish... Edit • see on Google Translate
&Open Document => &Hujjatni ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open in %s => %s'da ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open in &Adobe Reader => &Adobe Readerda ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open in &Foxit Reader => &Foxit Readerda ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
Open in &Microsoft XPS-Viewer => Microsoft XPS-Viewerda ochish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Options => &Parametrlar Edit • see on Google Translate
&Options... => &Parametrlar... Edit • see on Google Translate
P&roperties => &Xossalari Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: &Xossalar
Page: => Bet: Edit • see on Google Translate
Page %s => Bet %s Edit • see on Google Translate
(page %s) => (bet %s) Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: (bet %s))
Page number %u inexistant => Bet %u mavjud emas Edit • see on Google Translate
Page scaling => Bet miqyosi Edit • see on Google Translate
Page Size: => Bet o'lchami: Edit • see on Google Translate
PalmDoc documents => PalmDoc ho'jjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
&Password: => &Maxfiy so'z: Edit • see on Google Translate
PDF Document => PDF hujjati Edit • see on Google Translate
PDF documents => PDF hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
PDF Optimizations: => PDF optimizatsiyalari: Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: PDF optimizatsiyalash
PDF Producer: => PDF yaratuvchisi: Edit • see on Google Translate
PDF Version: => PDF versiyasi: Edit • see on Google Translate
&Pin Document => &Hujjatni eslab qolish Edit • see on Google Translate
Please close %s to proceed! => Davom etish uchun %s yoping! Edit • see on Google Translate
Please wait - rendering... => Kutib turing - render qilinmoqda... Edit • see on Google Translate
Postscript documents => Postscript hujjatlari Edit • see on Google Translate
Previous Page => Oldingi bet Edit • see on Google Translate
Print => Chop etish Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarish
Print range => Chop etish diapazoni Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarish diapazoni
&Print... => &Chop etish... Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: &Bosib chiqarish...
&Print... (denied) => &Chop etish... (ruxsat etilmagan) Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: &Bosib chiqarish... (rad etilgan)
previous: &Bosib chiqarish... (ruxsat etilmagan)
Printer with given name doesn't exist => Bunday printer mavjud emas Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Ushbu nom bilan printer mavjud emas
printing document => hujjatni chop etish Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: hujjat bosib chiqarilmoqda
previous: hujjatni bosib chiqarish
Printing in progress. => Chop etilmoqda. Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarilmoqda.
Printing is still in progress. Abort and quit? => Chop etilmoqda. To'xtatilib dasturdan chiqilsinmi? Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarilmoqda. Bekor qilib chiqilsinmi?
previous: Bosib chiqarilmoqda. To'xtatilib dasturdan chiqilsinmi?
Printing is still in progress. Abort and start over? => Chop etilmoqda. To'xtatilib qaytadan boshlansinmi? Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarish tugatilmagan. Bekor qilinib qaytadan boshlansinmi?
previous: Bosib chiqarish tugatilmagan. To'xtatilib qaytadan boshlansinmi?
Printing page %d of %d... => %d betni %d dan chop etilmoqda... Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: %d betni %d dan bosib chiqarilmoqda...
Printing problem. => Chop etish muammosi. Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Bosib chiqarish muammosi.
Remember &opened files => &Ochilgan fayllarni eslab qolish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Remember the password for this document => &Ushbu hujjatning maxfiy so'zini eslab qolish Edit • see on Google Translate
&Remember these settings for each document => &Ushbu parametrlarni har qaysi hujjat uchun eslab qolish Edit • see on Google Translate
Remove from favorites => Tanlanganlardan o'chirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Remove page %s from favorites => %s betni tanlanganlardan o'chirish Edit • see on Google Translate
Rename To => Yangi nom Edit • see on Google Translate
&Save As... => &Quyidagicha saqlash... Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: ...&sifatida saqlash
Searching %d of %d... => %d %d dan qidirilmoqda... Edit • see on Google Translate
Select &All => &Hammasini tanlash Edit • see on Google Translate
Select content with Ctrl+left mouse button => Ctrl va sichqonchaning chap tugmasini bosib tarkibini tanlang Edit • see on Google Translate
Select the folder where SumatraPDF should be installed: => SumatraPDF o'rnatish uchun jildni tanlang: Edit • see on Google Translate
Selection: => Tanlash: Edit • see on Google Translate
Send by &E-mail... => &Elektron pochta orqali yuborish... Edit • see on Google Translate
Set inverse search command-line => Teskari qidirish buyruq satrini moslash Edit • see on Google Translate
previous: Qayta qidirish buyruq satrini moslash
&Settings => &Moslamalar Edit • see on Google Translate
Show &Bookmarks => &Xatcho'plarni ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Show &Pages Continuously => &Betlarni uzluksiz ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Show &Toolbar => &Asboblar panelini ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Show Favorites => Tanlanganlarni ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Show frequently read => Tez-tez o'qiladiganlarni ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
Show the &bookmarks sidebar when available => Mavjud bo'lganda &xatcho'plar panelini ko'rsatish Edit • see on Google Translate
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Source file %s has no synchronization point => %s manba faylida sinxronlanish nuqtasi yo'q Edit • see on Google Translate
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Title: => Sarlavha: Edit • see on Google Translate
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previous: Sizda eng so'nggi versiya.
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Failed to copy uninstaller to temp directory => O'chirish dasturini vaqtinchalik direktoriyaga nusxa olish muvaffaqiyatsiz tugadi
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