cecilyen made the following 22 translations:
- 'Enter the command-line to invoke when you double-click on the PDF document:' as '請輸入滑鼠雙擊 PDF 文件時應執行的指令:' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Sorry, that shouldn't have happened!\n\nPlease press 'Cancel', if you want to help us fix the cause of this crash.' as '抱歉,這不該發生的!\n\n如果你希望協助我們修正這個錯誤,請點選「取消」。' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Tagged PDF' as '已標示的 PDF' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'You have the latest version.' as '您的版本已是最新版。' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'You have version %s' as '您使用的版本為 %s' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'You have the latest version.' as '您的版本已為最新版。' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Application:' as '應用程式:' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Automatically check for &updates' as '自動檢查更新(&U)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Printer with given name doesn't exist' as '指定之印表機不存在' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'FictionBook documents' as 'FictionBook(fb2) 文件' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'FictionBook documents' as 'FictionBook(fb2) 文件' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Print as &image (requires more memory)' as '列印成圖像 (需要更多的記憶體) (&I)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Replace document &colors with Windows color scheme' as '採用Windows的配色方案來取代文件的配色 (&C)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Replace document &colors with Windows color scheme' as '用Windows的配色主題來取代文件的配色 (&c)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Tagged PDF' as '有標籤的 PDF' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Formatting the book... %d pages' as '格式化書本... %d 頁' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Print as &image (requires more memory)' as '列印成影像 (需要更多的記憶體) (&i)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Show &Bookmarks' as '顯示書籤 (&B)' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'PDF Optimizations:' as '最佳化 PDF' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Loading file %s...' as '讀取檔案 %s...' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Fast Web View' as '快速網頁模式' in SumatraPDF / tw
- 'Could not obtain Printer properties' as '無法取得印表機之屬性' in SumatraPDF / tw